Advanced options

The Pactima eSignatures API provides several advanced options that clients can configure when creating or updating an ESignature Package. These options allow for customization and control over various aspects of the signing workflow.

Advanced options JSON Model

"advancedOptions": {
    "disableRepeatEntries": true,
    "penColor": "SIGNER_SELECTED_COLOR",
    "signatureTypes": [
    "notifications": [
        "event": "ACTIVATED",
        "participantId": "string",
        "enabled": true
    "exitRedirectUriConfigurations": [
        "redirectUri": "string",
        "participantId": "OWNER"
    "resetENotaryAuthAtEntry": true,
    "cancelAtENotaryAuthFailure": true,
    "inlineWebhook": {
      "urlToPublish": "string",
      "triggerEvents": [
      "requestedArtifacts": [
          "artifactKind": "COMPLETED_PACKAGE",
          "metadata": {}

Disable Repeat Entries

The disableRepeatEntries property allows control for signers to re-use their previous entered signatures, initials, or stamps on subsequent fields. When set to true, this will force signers to re-enter their their signing entries at the selection of every entry pad.

Pen Color

The penColor property allows clients to specify the default color of the signing pen used by signers when providing their signatures or initials.

The available pen color options include:

  • BLACK: Sets the pen color to black.
  • BLUE: Sets the pen color to blue.
  • RED: Sets the pen color to red.
  • GREEN: Sets the pen color to green.
  • SIGNER_SELECTED_COLOR: Allows clients to select any of the above colors


The notifications property allows clients configure the email notifications for specific events related to specific audit events of eSignature Package. Each notification item contains the following properties:

  • event: This could be any of ESignatureEventEnum or EVENTS.ALL to apply to all events
  • participantId: This is the id of the participant (e.g. signerId), or any instance of ESignatureSpecialParticipantEnum e.g. PARTICIPANTS.ALL
  • enabled: Determine whether the notification should be enabled or not

For example, if you would like to disable all email notifications, the following notification configuration will be set:

notifications: [
                    event: 'EVENTS.ALL',
                    participantId: 'PARTICIPANTS.ALL',
                    enabled: false

Exit Redirect URI Configurations

The exitRedirectUriConfigurations property allows you to specify custom redirect URIs for signers after they exit the signing process (e.g. during completion, declines, rescheduling, etc.). You can define different redirect URIs for each signer or provide a default redirect URI for all signers.

Each exit redirect URI configuration object contains the following properties:

  • participantId: This is the id of the participant (e.g. signerId), or any instance of ESignatureSpecialParticipantEnum e.g. PARTICIPANTS.ALL
  • redirectUri: Specifies the URI to which the signer will be redirected after completing the signing process.

For example, the following configuration will redirect all participants to at each exit:

exitRedirectUriConfigurations: [
                    participantId: 'PARTICIPANTS.ALL',
                    redirectUri: ''

Reset eNotary Authentication at Entry

The resetENotaryAuthAtEntry property is specific to eSignature Packages that involve eNotary authentication. When set to true, it indicates that the eNotary authentication should be reset each time a signer enters the signing session. This means that signers will be required to re-authenticate with the eNotary system every time they access the package.

Cancel at eNotary Authentication Failure

The cancelAtENotaryAuthFailure property is also specific to eSignature Packages with eNotary authentication. When set to true, it specifies that the entire eSignature Package should be automatically canceled if any signer fails the eNotary authentication process. This ensures that the signing workflow is terminated if the eNotary authentication requirements are not met.

Inline Webhook

The inlineWebhook property allows clients to configure webhook notifications for specific events within the eSignature Package. Webhooks enable real-time notifications to be sent to a specified URL when certain events occur, and they can also be set on an team-wide basis.

The inlineWebhook object contains the following properties:

  • urlToPublic: Specifies the URL to which the webhook notifications will be sent.
  • triggerEvents: Specifies an array of event types for which notifications will be triggered.
  • requestedArtifacts: Specifies an array of artifacts that should be sent alongside the webhook, e.g. a signed link to download