In the Pactima eSignatures API, eSignature Packages go through different statuses throughout their lifecycle. These statuses reflect the current state of the package and provide visibility into the progress of the signing workflow.

The initial status is DRAFT, and to start the signing workflow, the package is to be "triggered".

Status Flow Chart

Status Dictionary

Status nameEnum valueMeaningApplicable eSignature kinds
ActiveACTIVESigners are actively participating in the signing ceremony.IN_PERSON
CancelledCANCELLEDThe package has been cancelled by the package owner or an authorized user before completion. The signing process has been terminated, and signers can no longer access or sign the documents.STANDARD, LIVE, IN_PERSON
CompletedCOMPLETEDPackage has been successfully completed. All required signers have signed the documents, and the signing process is concluded. The signed documents are now available for download.STANDARD, LIVE, IN_PERSON
DraftDRAFTThe initial status of a package when it is being prepared for signing. The package owner can add documents, specify signers, and configure package settings. The package remains in this status until it is "triggered".STANDARD, LIVE, IN_PERSON
LiveLIVESigners are participating in a real-time, collaborative signing session where they can review and sign the documents together.LIVE
Live EditingLIVE_EDITINGPackage is being edited during a Live eSignatures ceremony. The package owner or authorized user can make changes to the documents or package settings while the signing ceremony is in progress.LIVE
Locked for ReviewLOCKED_FOR_REVIEWPackage is awaiting final review and acceptance before being completed. The package has been locked to prevent further changes, and the designated reviewers can examine the signed documents before marking the package as complete.LIVE
PreparedPREPAREDPackage has been readied for the signing ceremony. The package owner has finalized the documents and package settings, and the package is now available for signers to participate in the in-person signing session.IN_PERSON
ProcessingPROCESSINGPackage is currently being processed by the system for a signing ceremony. This status indicates that the package is undergoing internal processing tasks.STANDARD, LIVE, IN_PERSON
SentSENTPackage has been sent to the signers for signing. Signers have received notifications and can now access the package to review and sign the documents at their own pace.STANDARD
ScheduledSCHEDULEDSigning ceremony has been scheduled. Participants can preview the package and access the documents, but the live signing ceremony has not yet started. The package remains in this status until the signing session begins.LIVE