API Key Authentication (Team Integration)

Pactima provides two types of API keys for managing your integration:

  1. Test mode API keys: Prefixed with pctm_test_, these keys allow you to test the APIs without affecting your live data. Use them during development and testing phases to ensure your integration works as expected.

  2. Live mode API keys: Prefixed with pctm_live_, these keys are used when your integration is ready for production. Live mode API keys interact with your actual data and should be kept secure.

The API key you use to authenticate the request automatically determines whether the request is processed in live or test mode.

You can view and manage your API keys in Pactima's Developer Hub. It's essential to keep your API keys secure and not share them publicly. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, you can generate a new key in the Developer Hub and update your integration accordingly.

When making requests to Pactima APIs, include your API key in the Authorization header using the following format:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key, whether it's a test mode or live mode key. Pactima's SDK automatically perform this.

By following these guidelines and using the appropriate API key, you can ensure secure and reliable communication between your application and the Pactima API.