Integration types

Pactima offers two integration models for using our APIs:

  1. Team Integration: This model is suitable when you want to embed Pactima as a service within your business application, rather than connecting to your customer's Pactima account directly.

  2. OAuth App Integration: This model is appropriate when you want to integrate your code with Pactima accounts owned by your customers. Your integration will work seamlessly with multiple customer accounts.


Team Integration

Consider the following factors when choosing the Team Integration model:

  • Embed Pactima as a service within your product for a seamless and branded experience
  • Directly incur the costs of transactions
  • Ideal for scenarios where you have downstream users who are not your direct clients (e.g., your business app is a CRM, and each of your clients has their own clients with specific branding requirements)

OAuth App Integration

Consider the following factors when choosing the OAuth App Integration model:

  • Suitable when you already your customers are already registered Pactima users
  • Avoid incurring costs by letting your customers purchase directly from Pactima
  • Your business app will connect using your customer's Pactima account

By carefully evaluating your specific requirements and use cases, you can determine the most appropriate integration model for your business needs.