JUMP TOAPI OverviewIntroductionErrorsVersioning and Server TypesIntegration typesSDKsAuthenticationOverviewAPI Key Authentication (Team Integration)OAuth 2.0 AuthenticationESignature Packages APIESignature PackagesCreate an eSignature packagepostList all eSignature packagesgetRetrieve an eSignature packagegetUpdate an eSignature packageputDelete an eSignature packagedeleteDocuments - ActionsReorder documentspostApply template fields to specific documentpostObtain a download link of a specific documentpostSignersCreate a signerpostList all signersgetRetrieve a signergetUpdate a signerputDelete a signerdeleteSigners - Attachment RequestsCreate an attachment requestpostList attachment requestsgetRetrieve an attachment requestgetUpdate an attachment requestputDelete a signer attachment requestdeleteSigners - ActionsObtain signing linkpostSend a reminder to a signer by emailpostSend a reminder to a signer by SMSpostccRecipientsCreate a ccRecipientpostList all cc-recipientsgetRetrieve a ccRecipientgetUpdate a ccRecipientputDelete a ccRecipientdeleteccRecipients - ActionsObtain observer linkpostJoint Signers GroupsCreate a joint signers grouppostList all joint signers groups in an eSignature packagegetRetrieve a joint signers groupgetUpdate a joint signers groupputDelete a joint signers groupdeleteDocumentsCreate a documentpostList all documentsgetRetrieve a documentgetUpdate a documentputDelete a documentdeleteDocuments - Entry PadsCreate an entry padpostList entry pads in a documentgetRetrieve an entry padgetUpdate an entry padputDelete an entry paddeleteDocuments - Entry Pads - ActionsCreate multiple entry pads in a documentpostDelete multiple entry pads in a documentpostAttachmentsCreate an attachmentpostList the attachments in the packagegetRetrieve an attachmentgetUpdate an attachmentputDelete an attachmentdeleteAttachments - ActionsObtain a download link of a specific attachmentpostRecordingsList the recordings in the packagegetRetrieve a recordinggetObtain a download link of a specific recordingpostActionsTrigger a DRAFT eSignature package for signingpostChange the kind of the packagepostStart the signing sessionpostEnd a signing sessionpostCancel the eSignature packagepostRedraft the eSignature packagepostTransfer an eSignature packagepostForward an eSignature packagepostCreate a templatepostStart a DRAFT e-signature package immediatelypostEnable recordingpostDisable recordingpostObtain a download linkpostObtain audit trails download linkpostReuse an eSignature packagepostOpen a completed eSignature package for amenment.postReschedule a LIVE eSignature packagepostModify advanced options of an in-flight eSignature packagepostModify metadata options of an in-flight eSignature packagepostObtain link that can be used to prepare the eSignature packagepostSafely retrieve an eSignature packagepostRetrieve advanced options for an eSignature packagepostUpload a zip filepostESignature Templates APIESignature TemplatesCreate a templatepostList all templatesgetRetrieve a templategetUpdate a templateputDelete a templatedeleteSignersCreate a signerpostList all signersgetRetrieve a signergetUpdate a signerputDelete a signerdeleteSigners - Attachment RequestsCreate an attachment requestpostList attachment requestsgetRetrieve an attachment requestgetUpdate an attachment requestputDelete an attachment requestdeleteccRecipientsCreate a ccRecipientpostList all cc-recipientsgetRetrieve a ccRecipientgetUpdate a ccRecipientputDelete a ccRecipientdeleteDocumentsCreate a documentpostList all documentsgetRetrieve a documentgetUpdate a documentputDelete a documentdeleteDocuments - ActionsReorder documentspostDocuments - Entry PadsCreate an entry padpostList entry pads in a documentgetRetrieve an entry padgetUpdate an entry padputDelete an entry paddeleteDocuments - Entry Pads - ActionsBulk create entry padspostBulk delete entry padspostTeam TemplatesList all signature templates that belong to a teamgetShare owned template with the teampostRemove template from the teamdeleteActionsCreate an eSignature package using an eSignature templatepostDownload pdf version of templatepostENotary Packages APIENotary PackagesCreate an eNotary packagepostList eNotary PackagesgetRetrieve an eNotary packagegetUpdate an eNotary packageputDelete an eNotary packagedeleteValidation RequestsCreate a validation request for a particular signerpostUpdate the validation request of a signerputDelete a validation request for an eNotary packagedeleteJournals - ActionsObtain eNotary journal download linkpostActionsReset the authentication of the eNotary packagepostTeams APIMembersList all membersgetPowered by Obtain a download link of a specific attachmentpost https://rest.api.pactima.com/v1/e-signature-packages/{eSignaturePackageId}/attachments/{id}/actions/downloadCreate a link to download the original attachment